Autumn Tysko's X-Files Reviews

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"That would mean that for four years we've been nothing more than pawns in a game - that it was a lie from the beginning."

Yeah, right. Somehow I don't think Mulder and Scully are the pawns here - I think the audience is. In "Redux" we learn just how much exposition it takes for writer Chris Carter to crawl out of his "Gethsemane" hole - and it is lots and lots of exposition given to us in lots and lots of voice overs (a monumental six for Mulder and three for Scully). At least we didn't find out all of "Gethsemane" was a fraud - and for that I am thankful. "Redux" was information overload - and while the information was all very interesting it just didn't make sense when you really think about it. I actually watched "Gethsemane" tonight before "Redux" - turns out I didn't need to as pretty much all the pertinent parts of that episode were repeated for us with bits of the "Pilot" and "Paper Clip" thrown in for good measure. Unfortunately, seeing "Paper Clip" just made me feel a bit wistful for the excitement that episode was able to generate.

Still, I tried to enjoy "Redux". I sat in rapt attention, listening as hard as I could trying to fit the pieces together. I dutifully watched Mulder wander through hallways swiping his card key over and over and Scully do her multi-colored eyedropper experiments. What I couldn't get past, however, was Mulder's sudden change of heart. So, despite the fact that everyone knows Scully's abduction and its ramifications weren't random - that *of course* it had to do with Mulder - this appears to be new information to him and he is overcome with guilt. "Did they do this to her because of me?" - of course they did - I thought that had been obvious to him since the abduction arc.

So, Mulder asks the question in all our minds - "But I've seen aliens. I've witnessed these things." and is willing to buy the answer that he's seen what they wanted him to see? The X-Files has given us and Mulder WAY too much evidence to the contrary for Mulder to swallow that everything he has seen has been manufactured to make him believe. It should not be a surprise that the government is "in on it" - that has pretty much been established from the start, but to dismiss everything from the Bounty Hunter to the Oiliens based on Kritschgau's little stock footage biological warfare story is too much to bite off. The funny thing was that Kritschgau's riddle talk reminded me most of Jeremiah Smith. Oh that's right, he isn't real. Statements from Mulder about finding Scully's cure in the building somehow negating all his experiences just don't jive - why does it have to be all or nothing? I'm certain that we will find the truth in the middle. It is ironic that while Mulder appears to be convinced his life is a fraud Goggles!Scully is hard at work perhaps proving the existence of extraterrestrial life.

It appears that Mulder and Scully are rubbing off on each other. While Scully makes a weird intuitive leap worthy of Spooky in her decision that somehow those ice cells will share some sort of DNA link to her cancer, Mulder suddenly gains psychic skills and chooses the jackpot door. The door which leads to the room where they store all the hoax alien bodies for those hoaxing emergencies. Which, it just so happens, is right next door to the room where they keep all the women for the super ovulation experiments (which are strangely unattended) - it seems those train cars were just too small. And, coincidence of coincidences, there is a secret tunnel leading to the Pentagon storage room where all the secret stuff and meticulously labeled and cross referenced deionized water is kept unguarded. What luck!

Also left up in the air are the machinations of the evil guy consortium. Chunky Italian tells us "Mulder was an asset" and feigns ignorance as to what is going on. Either CancerMan is totally on the outs with the old guys or we have yet another evil power to worry about.

It is the personal side to "Redux" that saves this episode for me. While Mulder assures us (in voice over, of course) of Scully's absolute integrity - like this we didn't know - he asks her to lie. Lucky for her, those acting lessons Mulder got her in addition to that key chain have paid off - well except when she meets Skinner in the hallway outside Mulder's apartment and reverts to her habit of eye aversion and guilty looks (that and the "I saw Mulder earlier this morning" when it is before 7AM was sure a good cover as well...).

The real twist, it seems, is the attempt to once again throw doubt on Skinner's involvement. He appears to implicate himself with his actions toward Scully and that little matter of having a photo that was obviously taken from the camera in Mulder's ceiling. The scenes between Gillian Anderson and Mitch Pileggi are the highlights of the episode. After Anderson shows us Scully's absolute deflation upon learning of the possibility of Skinner's betrayal her paranoia fueled confrontation with him is a much needed charge in the episode. Once again we find Scully and Skinner yelling at each other - this time each demanding "I want an answer from you!" The most amusing part was listening to Scully detail the multitude of sins against her to explain her motivations only to have Skinner counter with "Is that your justification?" - Geez Wally that wasn't dramatic enough?

Perhaps because death is drawing near Gillian Anderson really lets us see the depth of pain in Scully throughout "Redux". Her teary eyed accusation at the end, sadly cut short by a nasal gusher intense enough to make her swoon, is the high point of this episode. All I can say is that I'm glad we got "Gethsemane" explained and can now move on to bigger and better things.

Random Musings


- I know both Mulder and Scully are very smart people, but ye gods do they really think like that? These people seem to be constantly emoting in their thoughts in prose filled with words that would make the average person live in fear of their thesaurus. Sometimes I find it enlightening - such as Mulder's opening voice over about understanding and recovery, but at other times it can just seem clumsy and stilted - "Let the truth be known though the heavens fall"? Mulder is such a poet.

-Let's do the time warp again: I guess when you have to live the same 24 hours over again you are miraculously transported into the future. The phone records seem to indicate that "Redux" is taking place in October despite the fact that "Gethsemane" was in the spring.

-Even the previews for this episode were manipulative - at no time did we see the Mulder with a gun to his head - shots that they've been playing for eons as we've waited for the premiere.

-So Mulder is under surveillance - no doubt his phone is also bugged - which really makes me wonder why Kritschgau is calling him up to tell him "we can't speak". Why wouldn't they also be monitoring Scully's apartment if they really wanted to keep tabs on these two?

-Speaking of surveillance, given Mulder's favorite form of home entertainment I bet there are some pretty interesting videos floating around the offices of the Very Evil Guys who have been keeping an eye on him.

-Frank's Fashion Spot: Poor Scully, she's taken to wearing tight shirts and pushup bras under those suits and still comes home to no messages (and what a sad little face she had on when her machine informed her of that). Though Mulder did appear to enjoy what he saw of the floor show offering "Keep going FBI woman" as encouragement even if she seemed less than thrilled to find him sitting in her bedroom in the dark.

-Maybe we should start keeping tabs on how many times Mulder busts doors down - he's really quite good at it. At least this time Scully won't be buying a new lock again.

-So this is a top secret facility and they don't even look at your badge photo? OK...

-A new family photo in Mulder's pad shows us that he was REAL big for a twelve year old and, as if we haven't had enough hints about this yet, gives CancerMan the chance to choke up a little while looking at the kids.

-Once again Scully proves that there is no reason for her to carry a purse when she can cram a big old evidence bag down the front of her form fitting suit.

-Holly is now working phones (promotion/demotion - you make the call) - makes me wonder if they are planning on giving her a bigger role now that they offed Pendrell and need a new little helper for Mulder and Scully. If I were her I'd burn all the red suits in my closet.

-I found Mulder's claim to Kritschgau that "Scully would have known" that the alien body was a hoax if she had examined it rather endearing. It's nice to see his faith in his partner's abilities.

-Curious that while going on about the DNA samples supposedly taken from everyone that they didn't make the link to the small pox vaccination scars.

-As to not let a good prop go to waste we saw a flash of the Amy Cassandra edition of "Abductee" magazine from "Demons".

-If there is one thing we can say about the project it is those evil guys know how to file. Every time Mulder or Scully find evidence it is neatly cataloged in clearly marked drawers.

"You're going to use me as I've been used all along - to preserve the lies."
