Autumn Tysko's X-Files Reviews

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"They used us to do it didn't they. They used the X-Files"

When all was said and done in this episode what struck me most was that feeling, once again, that things are getting real dangerous in the world of the X-Files. I don't think that it is a coincidence that this show opens on March 7 - the anniversary of the start of Mulder & Scully's first case together. The show has for the past two seasons had a prevailing theme of Mulder & Scully being threatened, but it has slowly evolved to encompass all those around them that they care about. Before the forces against them were content to focus only on them - breaking up the team, abducting Scully, etc. Now, the game is played by trying to break them by systematically destroying those around them - killing relatives, and attempting to erode their only internal support - first by shooting, and when that didn't work, by framing Skinner. As Mulder says, this is done to "weaken the X-Files" and keep them in check. Surrounded by this blatant and overwhelming adversity I am continually amazed by their steadfast perseverance. Sooner or later some thing's got to give. The dark overtones have been cast. The season finale is a few weeks away. Something tells me it won't have a happy ending - or should I say a happy "to be continued".

"Avatar" was meant to be a showcase for Mitch Pileggi and he does admirable work in it. Things flesh out for this character nicely - we see just how much his walking that line has cost him personally - those contradictions that he couldn't reconcile. It was nice also to see the tie in to the near death experience discussed in "One Breath". We even learn he inhaled. I also enjoyed Jennifer Hetrick's work as Sharon Skinner - she has a refreshing directness. I hope that we get to see more of her in the future. Funny though how when we get one of those much cherished looks into the personal lives of the X-Files characters it is neither Mulder or Scully we get to see. Oh well, maybe next time.

Despite being a Skinner based show, I really enjoyed the way that it involved our heroes. Their conversations and journey as they worked on this case had a lot to say about the "you and me against the world" kind of atmosphere that has out of necessity enveloped them. Can they really trust them man who "put his ass on the line" for them even though as Scully says "The truth is we don't know very much about him"? I liked the dark mood and general level of nervousness for the future of everyone involved that I was left with.

If the episode had a weakness for me it had to be the somewhat confusing storyline constructed by Duchovny and Gordon. It was one of those cases where I was never quite sure what they were trying to say as far as the conspiracy and/or paranormal phenomena were concerned even though the character based stuff worked very well. If the old woman was a guardian of sorts instead of a succubus, then why the dreams that resembled a succubus and why the luminescent traces? Or, if this whole thing was a big CancerMan engineered conspiracy, then again what was up with the glow in the dark lipstick - was it planted for Scully to find to make it appear like she and Mulder were trying to come up with a far-out X-Fileish answer to get Skinner off the hook? How was the old woman connected to Skinner's wife? I was even surprised that Scully didn't seem to go with the succubus theory without as much as a raised eyebrow. I also just wasn't buying it when Skinner said he didn't have a clue as to what was going on - surely Skinner is not that naive. They didn't even need to really pull back the camera and show us CancerMan at that point - I could see his smoke screen the whole episode. Things were just a bit too muddled. Yeah, I know we watch the X-Files because it doesn't answer all the questions, but usually it makes more sense to me.

One wonders just how much Skinner's involvement with the X-Files has damaged his reputation. While an Assistant Director must oversee hundreds of agents, Mulder & Scully seem to have special dispensation in avoiding the food chain and now reporting directly to him instead of a special agent in charge or section head. Even Scully admits that Skinner is protecting them "out of a respect for the work." When Skinner was shot the rest of the bureau didn't exactly jump to help, and even more telling, when he is in trouble here only Mulder & Scully (and of course our boy Pendrell hoping for a thank you from Scully) attempt to help. The rest of the FBI seems all too eager to send him up the river. No wonder Mulder is one of the few people he ever mentioned to his wife at home.

Am I the only one (well besides Scully) who really really hates those Office of Professional Conduct folks? Especially that woman who just smirks and never speaks? When they are around nothing good can happen. It is appropriate that the scene with them was filmed in such darkness. CancerMan has got to be pulling the strings with this group. Mulder and Scully were even making those little biting their tongue faces they do so well when they were told to appear at the hearing. Always thrilled to meet with them, Agent Scully arrives in her power suit for her usual grilling. I always enjoy the way she serves a bit of attitude in these meetings by feigning not understanding questions, being so very careful in her responses, and even talking back ("I'm not finished."). They do use this little meeting to reinforce what I like to call the Dana Scully Mission Statement (I know, I've been in corporate America too long). OPC Mean Guy: "Do you believe in paranormal phenomena Agent Scully?" Scully (who you will note does not say no): "What ever extreme cases I have encountered I have always viewed through the lens of science."

On the character development front there was some subtle yet interesting things said about how everyone felt about prostitution. Scully seems more than a bit uncomfortable about finding out that Skinner was with a prostitute. Despite the way she puts up with Mulder and does not appear to be phased by his predilection for pornography, it appears that is where she draws the line. When she tells Mulder "If an otherwise stable man is compelled to go out and hire a prostitute what else is he capable of?" Mulder appears genuinely uncomfortable as he responds. A reaction to how her statement reflects on Skinner or how it might reflect upon him? From Skinner's perspective, he seemed very concerned about Scully finding out it was a prostitute and later about what she thinks of him. When he asks this, Mulder pauses, clears his throat, and walks away before answering the question. That pretty much says it all as opposed to the answer "Scully doesn't understand why you're not trying to defend yourself."

So, now on to the final stretch as the same baddies who warned Skinner in the restaurant in "Piper Maru" start their cleanup operation. We see a brief appearance by Action-Scully as she kicks open a door only to have it kick her back. Gillian does manage a very dramatic slump to the ground as Scully (in a two for the price of one treat) gets hit on her left temple *and* loses her gun - and the crowd goes wild! Thankfully Skinner appears out of nowhere with smoking gun. Not to leave out any cliche, Scully gets to attempt to claim she's OK in typical Scully fashion when she can barely lift her head.

Random Musings


-I know I've seen the lawyer from the teaser before, but I can't remember where. Anyone recall the previous episode?

-I guess the reason that we, like Mulder & Scully, were surprised to find out that Skinner was married has been her conspicuous absence in previous times of crisis. Where was she when Big Walt got shot? Out tying one on with the Scully brothers?

-Since "3" was also shown this week I guess FOX could have promoted the show as "This week on the X-Files everybody gets laid except, of course, Agent Scully."

-Did anyone else find it a bit odd that Skinner just couldn't bring himself to sign his divorce papers but didn't seem to have any difficulty going out and getting laid?

-Scully: "Business must be booming."
Mulder: "I think you mean banging." - You gotta love the little look Scully shoots him at this one.

-Mulder & Scully driving a Lariat rent car in their home town? Hmm? Both their cars in the shop?

-This week's SRE: REM sleep behavior disorder. Did Mulder really not want to hear about this one or what? First he gives her that little sarcastic "That's fascinating, but what does it have to do with Skinner" retort, then when Scully hands him the report he makes a face and tosses it to the side.

-So, even Skinner is sleeping on his couch - and - even drinking Frohike's brand of scotch these days.

-Mulder & Scully talking to each other on their cell phones in the same hallway was too cute. Better the hallway than in a car while driving in a storm. Given the way we've seen Ms. Scully drive before not the safest behavior.

"Mulder, I'm afraid this isn't exactly something I'd make up."
